Friday, September 23, 2016

#FineFellasFriday: Malcolm Malone & Ferlon: Men Who Comfort, Men Who Encourage

#FineFellas: Malcolm Malone, & Ferlon Webster: Men Who Comfort, Men Who Encourage

As I redefine the meaning of friendship in my thirties, I’ve taken time to really look around at the birds in my flock. And, I’m so blessed to say even with all the people I’ve had to cut out off in my life I’ve met some incredible ride or die #FineFellas. They are the kind of men you can call and cry with. They are the kind of men who give it to you straight, and legit want the best for you. This week Good Girl Chronicles honors two men who showed me mad love in some of the toughest situations of my life. I adore you, and I’m so grateful God brought our journeys together. I hope I have sharpened you as you have sharpened me. #proverbs27:17

Malcolm Malone: I won’t lie the first time I met Malcolm we got into a heated debate about love and relationships. I was leaving one of my favorite stores at the mall and I sat down to rest my feet at the massage chairs. Malcolm was working at a nearby cellphone kiosk and somehow we got to talking.  His co-worker Tre (also a Good Girl Chronicles featured #finefellas, a young bull named Marvin and I all sat and talked about relationships. It was the beginning of an unexpected friendship.

We don’t always see eye to eye in our conversations, but I can 
always say this about Malcolm he cares. He’s one of the hardest working brothers I know, loyal to his friends, and serious about his faith. It’s not a secret I’ve that had the roughest two years of my life, and every day is a fight to stay positive and lifted. It’s in this valley where I’ve learned the real people that care, the real friends, and who is about their word.

One night, some douche bag I was on a date with abandoned me at a Smokey Bones in Virginia Beach. I saw Malcolm was on Snapchat, I hit him up, and he picked me up no questions asked. I’m sure he had a million other things to do that rainy night, but he came out of his way to take me home. #FACTS And, when I had a major anxiety attack and I had to go to the hospital. I had no one else to call, and once again Malcolm came through. In this busy, crazy thing we call life I want to thank you for taking the time to help me out. As a man of faith I know he’s motivated by something higher than himself, and I’m touched the way he has sharpened me. Don’t ever change boo. #keepslaying

Ferlon Webster AKA Ferlonious: Oh Ferlon how I miss you. Ferlon and I worked with each other when I was a reporter in Hampton Roads. He was the photographer. I was the reporter. It’s usually a love/hate relationship. As a reporter, you love photographers because they are responsible for making you look good. They do the lighting, shoot your video, cut your audio. They can make or break you story. But, as a reporter you literally spend hours upon hours with the same photographers every week. After a while it’s understandable that reporters and photographers get annoyed with each other. Ferlon and I certainly had those days, but he’s one of few photographers I consider a friend.

Ferlon and I connected on so many levels when we worked together. We both had quirky sense of humors, loved Jesus, loved news, and had intense work ethics. I love Ferlon desire to tell powerful stories with his camera lenses, and his ginormous heart. I’ve met his cat, went to the butterfly garden together, and had dinners outside of work. He’s one of the few people from my news past who saw me unravel due to anxiety and depression. He never treated me different and tried hard to help me through it. I love you for that Ferlon. Thanks for loving me in the valley and the peak. #proverbs27:17 God is doing a work in me Ferlon and I walking back to the peak. I can’t wait to show you what God has in store for me. I’m so glad you’re living your dream of telling powerful stories at an amazing station. You are comfort, you are the definition of friendship. I Love You, Love God More

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