Friday, April 29, 2016

Fine Fellas Friday: Allen "Apollo" Choice, RJ, Charles Bailey IV

Gosh I love Fine Fellas Friday. As I discover what my business can do and the type of brand I want in Hampton Roads, Virginia I am realizing that ultimately I want to praise people. I want people to walk away from Good Girl Chronicles feeling light, love, and empowered. I want them to use those feelings to write their stories, make their mark on social media, and then go help someone else. That is just the tip of what I want Good Girl Chronicles to do so I love this part of my job, praising good people.

This week I have three Fine Fellas to praise: Allen "Apollo" Choice (a former #mancrushmonday of mine), Charles Bailey IV, and RJ Nelson.  Man these men are killing it in love, their professions, their faith, and their grind. All things I love about a good man.

Charles Bailey IV: Full disclosure I have only met Charles once in real life. I went to Lynchburg a
few weeks ago to party and blog about the nightlife (YES they have ONE!). Anyway, I bumped into Charles as I was walking out of DISH, a swanky restaurant in Lynchburg, and I was immediately struck by his sense of humor and charm. Turns out Charles is a member of a Lynchburg band that I adore called, 'Apple Butter'. DISH turns into a dance hall after 10:00 p.m. on Saturdays, so Charles and I were yelling at each other in the restaurant. But even in the noise I learned a lot about Charles; his life, his passion, his interest in women, and he even complimented me. We've been Facebook friends ever since.

Charles and I joke that we should have a talk show about love cause we differ a lot yet we always have a good healthy debate about relationships. He is always quick to offer a witty, clever, or insightful response to my Facebook questions on love and relationships. I love a man who can debate and not get angry or insulting. Not a lot of people can do that I am finding. I could brag on Charles for hours, but more than anything I can see Charles has an amazing heart for his family, passion for his music, drive for life, and love of God. All great qualities-- and I learned all this from that chance meeting and our talks on Facebook. There is power in social media! Cheers to your Charles and here's to a great friendships IRL (in real life).

RJ Nelson-  Man I wonder if I can get through writing RJ's portion without laughing. I say that with
the sincerest sentiment. He knows why. We have had some incredibly funny moments together. RJ and I worked in the television news business together. He was the photographer. I was the reporter. Like any relationships there were days when RJ DROVE ME INSANE! WE would disagree, and fuss. But we always got the job done, and after the smoke was clear we forgave and moved on.. He was also one of the photographers I remember for being sensitive and positive even on the hardest stories. I could always count on RJ to make me smile when I felt tired, burdened, or in pain over the things I saw in the field. I also loved that we settled disputes quickly.  This is why I have so many guy friends. Most men are able to do this better than women. They fight, argue, pick at each other and the next day it's done. I love that about my male friendships. They don't stay in their feelings too long, and in turn I'm learning to do the same in business, love, and life.

Anyways- like many of us RJ went through tough times, moments he didn't think it would get better. But, RJ did something I respect. He turned his pain to God. He prayed to be a better man ( I already thought he was fabulous). He prayed to be a better father, a better partner, and worker. We all know faith without works is dead so RJ put in work. He hustled hard to get a job, mend fences, and love on his family. Now just as God does when it's your season, when He's ready to promote you--- God is blessing RJ in incredible ways. Most recently RJ got an amazing car he didn't think was possible. Now he and his daughter can ride in style. We praise an amazing God. Psalms 37:4 'Delight thyself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.' I know this to be true in my life and now in RJ's life. Bravo brotha. #keepslaying I love you to the moon and bad.

Allen "Apollo" Choice -  Let me bring this blog full circle. When I think of my brand for Good Girl
Chronicles, and myself as a business owner I am often reminded of Allen or AJ as I like to call him. I want people to feel better around me, and leave better than when they came. That is what I get from AJ every time we work together (he took a lot of my photographs for my Facebook page)  I met AJ way back in high school in marching band. Then he was much shorter, much louder, and a whole lot more unfocused. I will say this with love because I know AJ would co-sign on this. He has gone through valleys in life too, some far deeper than I could ever imagine. But like RJ and Charles; AJ learned what the Bible says about struggle, life, salvation, and renewal. We've had a deep conversations about the depths of the Bible and I was blown away at how much he knew about scripture.

Fast forward like 10 years. Time and space divided us, but AJ saw me on TV one day for WAVY News 10. He was told me he was proud of me and something about seeing this College Park girl (that's where I grew up in Virginia Beach) on the number one station in Hampton Roads made him see the value in himself. God I may cry. He shared this story with me when we reconnected, and I knew God brought us back together for a reason. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing this story, but I love you honey so much. I love who you are, what you are about, and how you love God. Now AJ is one of my closest friends and confidants. I hope one day he will let me share his entire story, but for now just know he is incredible and an example of what God can do when you trust in him. Jeremiah 31:4 "I will rebuild you and you will dance again."

Love you, Love God More

Lauren Hope

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