Friday, April 22, 2016

Fine Fellas Friday: Giving City Hall the Heisman Part 2

The last time I tried to quit City Hall was because I was catching feelings. It's been a month of talking, texting, kissing, revealing each other's lives. I am not trying to marry City Hall or boo him up even, but I won't lie I think about that little no texting Latin man a lot. Neither of us is ready to be exclusive, a relationship is serious business, and when I'm ready I am going to require a lot of my man. Right now I want to enjoy City Hall's company and get to know him so the thought of me catching feelings presented a problem. So like any respecting, cynical woman would do I tried to give City Hall the Heisman a few days ago.

"I think we need to renegotiate the terms of our friendship," I texted City Hall one morning while he was at work doing what City Hall people do. 

"What is the renegotiation?" he responded.

"I think I want to give you a release boo, let you be free ya know. Listen I am a catch and I want more City Hall. I thank you for putting spark back into my writing again, and making me feel sexy, but I'm good now." Oooh I was trying so hard to be cold, cold like men do when they give you the Heisman. I won't lie it stung to type this.

"What exactly do  you want boo" City Hall texted.

I proceeded to tell City Hall I needed 'Good morning' and 'Good night \texts, someone to care about my day, and ask what I am doing.

" I feel you. I am not a very affectionate or passionate person,"City Hall said.

"I don't think that is true City Hall. I think down deep you are a super passionate man. I hear how you talk about your daughter, how protective you are of her, heartless people don't do that City Hall."

"She is the only little lady that has my heart." OMG at this point I am melting and trying even to be a bad bitch and cut him loose. 

"I'll miss you City Hall, you were so exciting."

"I'm gonna miss you too. You are so beautiful and friendly," City Hall texted.

"Hey I'm a cool chick, if you ever want to chat I'm only a text or phone call away."

So I let this simmer for about a day. I consulted some friends on Facebook and we debated about it. Some said I should give him his walking papers, other said sometimes you have to fight for a man. I thought about it for a day, and slept on it, finally decided whatever we are I wanted to give it a shot.

"City Hall this is stupid. I miss you, text me in the morning."

And, even though he doesn't normally--- he texted in the morning. We talked for a bit. He told me he was sick and a tough man so he didn't need help. I tried to comfort him and offer him help. Then we got to the nitty gritty of why I was so mad at him in the first place. 

"Look I am a basic guy and that irritates you. The thing is I've been through a lot Lauren so nothing really phases me anymore. I am heartless, and because I don't treat you the way other men have you question a lot of things I do. I am not a phone person so I don't call but I like seeing you."

"I accept you are not a chatty person. Hell I talk all day honey. And, I too have been through shit you can't even imagine. I have been royally fucked over by men who called themselves good. All I want to know is, do you like me City Hall?" Here I am asking for reassurance like a kid in elementary school. 

"I do like you. You are caring, nice, and you have a BIG heart," City Hall responded. 

"That's all I need to know City Hall. I still want that movie you promised City Hall. I want to see Deadpool."

"You just let me know when boo."

So that is where things stand with City Hall. I know people will poke holes in this, say City Hall is a player, and I am stupid. But, honestly I don't care. This 'Pretty Young Thing' makes me feel amazing. When he texts he sends something funny, or something that makes me feel like the hottest chick in the room. It is usually funny but sometimes it is sexy, and hot. And he is legitimately excited to hear when my business is doing well.  

I won't lie I am still mending a broken, bitter heart. I am working on that. I am praying that God helps me believe the good in men again, that I can open my heart again. And, maybe with City Hall he is already doing that. I am working to be patient with him, kind, and comforting. I am working to not unload him with problems but promote him with encouragement. I am striving to be a fun chick who can help him escape his stress too. So for now me and that communicated challenged latin man are gonna hang. We're going to go on date, make out, laugh together, talk about our dreams, and maybe just maybe------------- I'll let him call me his girlfriend... that is a strong MAYBE FOLKS!

Love You, Love God More

Lauren Hope 

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