Saturday, September 10, 2016


Recently, I made the terrible mistake of moving in with a man I'll call 'The Hustler'. Under different circumstances I would have never moved in with this man. He knew me as a television reporter in Hampton Roads and would excessively call me trying to "manage me". He seemed like a hustler then, but as many of you know housing as been an issue for you so I rolled the dice and moved in with two weeks ago.

Needless to say my concerns were valid. I shared some of my story of what happened with 'The Hustler' on Facebook live. At the time I laughed about it, but understand what happened was not a laughing matter. It was scary and could have went a lot of different ways. Humor is my way of coping with difficult circumstances. A follower of mine wrote me an email after watching my Facebook live. He said I was ungrateful to a man who was trying to help me, because I poked fun at 'The Hustler's' quirks. Trust me, these laughs were hiding real fear, and hurt. Here's my story of what went down with 'The Hustler'.

For the complete story subscribe to or email me at teamgoodgirl84@gmail.

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